Our sweet little niece had her birthday party, so now I can reveal her gift.
I googled "felt food" and looked over the images from the search results. I picked and chose which ones I was interested in making and made a grocery list so I would have the necessary colors to create the food.
I didn't make any patterns for the food, I just kind of worked my way through it, thinking about what certain foods look like. I used a machine blanket stitch to join layers and stuffed in leftover batting scraps as I went along.
I did, however, make a pattern for the felt drinks. I used very small plastic cups -- you can see the size when compared to my iron.
I slid a paper cone into the glass and trimmed until I had a pattern. Don't make the felt drinks fit too snugly inside the glass; you want to be able to slip them in and out easily. I didn't feel the need to make a top to the drink liquid (if this makes any sense) but I don't think it would be too difficult to make a circle and stitch it to the top.
I told my husband that it seems like many times I make toys that I would have enjoyed playing with when I was little. Not sure that criteria translates well to the current generation with the flashy plastic toys that are marketed to the little ones on TV. But I really did enjoy making this and it's fun to give something that isn't available in a store.
Be sure to visit Sew & Tell Fridays. Always some cute projects there on display!

wow! your felt food looks great! what a wonderful gift!
What an awesome gift for your niece!!! I can understand the thought of making things you would have liked to have played with as a child. I think it is even better that it isn't flashy and can't find these in a store. Such a unique gift and I am sure she loves it. Very creative. Thanks for sharing.
Love that felt food - so much fun and so well done! Thanks for sharing!
You've done a fabulous job with the felt food especially since you winged it with no patterns. I'm sure thes will be a well used toy as I know my girls would have definitely played with them. They had plastic food and it was a well used toy.
I love your felted food - and the fact that you thought outside the box to make a really creative gift for your niece.
Those pieces are so cute. I have been thinking about something like that. Great inspiration.
My goodness these are darling! How cute.
Felt Food is already on my must do list for 2010 for my great nieces birthday.. I and so afraid i am going to love doing them and never want to quit. Yours are lovely, looks like way too much fun to be legal.
Sue, your felt food items are absolutely darling. Can you tell me how you made the bacon strips? Are they just striped ribbons?
That's a diet any little girl would love. These are cute creations.
Great idea! My grand kids would love playing with all the "food". Very cute, indeed!
Merry Christmas:)
Oh how cute!
:o) Trish
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