Not too many generations ago, "domestic skills" were passed down by the women of the family. Everything had to be learned: sewing, knitting, cooking, you name it.
If you needed a pair of mittens, you made them. A new dress? You sewed it. And not too long before that (in the big scheme of things), you wove the very fabric you needed to make the garment.
My mom hosted myself and my cousins for a knitting course. All of us had learned to knit at some time in our lives, so we just needed a refresher. Some of us needed more refreshing than others. I won't name any names.
So much fun. And soooooo many laughs! A little frustration here and there, but enough accomplishment to make it worth our while.
We need to experience more of this, the intergenerational give and take, teach and learn, laugh until you cry moments.
Well into our afternoon, my cousin looked at me. "You know who's getting a big kick out of this, don't you?" And I know, and remember, and miss, and love...those of whom she was speaking. Those who have gone on before us.
Mom, Sister, Grandma, Aunt: We miss you! And we had a blast AND you would have loved it!