Copy and paste the following into your blog and answer the questions.
Let me know if you do, so I can see what you write!
- Sweet or Savoury?
- Dresses or Jeans?
- House or Apartment?
- Shop Online or Offline?
- DVDs or Downloads?
- Cocktails or Juice?
- Chocolate or Strawberry?
- Laptop or PC?
- Magazines or Newspapers?
- Facebook or Twitter?
- CDs or MP3s?
- Kids or Pets?
- Cookies or Cupcakes?
- Walk or Run?
- Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out?
- Market or Supermarket?
- Sourdough or Grainy?
- Heels or Flats?
- Late nights or Not?
- Coffee or Tea?
- Sweet or Savoury? Sweet. Definitely sweet.
- Dresses or Jeans? Jeans, at work, at home, everywhere.
- House or Apartment? House. On an acre in the country.
- Shop Online or Offline? Online. LOVE online shopping.
- DVDs or Downloads? DVDs. Internet connection too slow. (see #3)
- Cocktails or Juice? Depends on the occasion. Both have their place in my life.
- Chocolate or Strawberry? Chocolate. But I do love strawberry too.
- Laptop or PC? Laptop. Don't know how I got by in the old days with a computer that couldn't be toted around.
- Magazines or Newspapers? Magazines. But I am trying to let some of my subscriptions expire. Trying to, anyway.
- Facebook or Twitter? Facebook. I have a Twitter account but never go there.
- CDs or MP3s? CDs
- Kids or Pets? Both. But the kids are grown and kitty is still here.
- Cookies or Cupcakes? Cookies. So many kinds, so little time.
- Walk or Run? Walk. These knees don't appreciate running.
- Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out? Breakfast out. Pancakes, please.
- Market or Supermarket? Farmer's market is best.
- Sourdough or Grainy? Grainy.
- Heels or Flats? Flats.
- Late nights or Not? I have to say "not." Sigh.
- Coffee or Tea? Tea is my preference, but I drink both.
These photos have nothing to do with this post, in case you were wondering.